
We're short a Player : Honoring Deshaun Hill

It’s Super Bowl Sunday, and I am scatterbrained something fierce.

Yes, in just a few hours, most of the country will tune into the NFL’s 56th Super Bowl extravaganza. This should be an easy day, a celebratory Sunday, yet my mind is scattered as I’m finding it incredibly difficult to process the loss of a young one.

This past Wednesday, Deshaun Hill, a bright and gifted 15 year old was inexplicably gunned down in North Minneapolis. He died with his family by his side in the hospital about 24 hours later. Support for Deshaun and his family has been overflowing throughout the weekend, especially at the “Pack the Gym for D-Hill” day when North High basketball hosted Hopkins on Saturday afternoon.

“D-Hill” was a star in the making as a quarterback on the football field and an honors student in the classroom. The stories and interviews speak of the promise of this young man and that Deshaun did everything right and always had a smile on his face. My heart goes out to you and your family, Deshaun Hill.

Today should be a Holiday for any young athlete, especially a quarterback with the arm, the talent, and the mind of young Deshaun. I remember how excited I would get to watch the Super Bowl with family or friends when I was in my teens. Today I’m thinking about this young man and what he is missing.

I am not going to pretend I know what it’s like on the regular in North Minneapolis. Or what it’s like knowing your friends, or your neighbors, or the unknown trouble makers on your block who are carrying a gun.

I just know that it is out of control, these senseless acts of gun violence. Within 24 hours, Deshaun was one of four people shot in Minneapolis, the third of those four, to lose their life. And as Tuesday Sheppard, Deshaun’s mom said it herself (watch the WCCO interview video above), “where we’re living at, is Hell right now.”

Tuesday’s interview, sitting next to one of Deshaun’s three sisters, is remarkable to me. I’ve watched it several times for several reasons. Her strength shown in this interview, as a mother who just lost her bright young son, is inconceivable. My Heart goes out to you, Tuesday.

On Friday afternoon, my friend and former AKA coach now Board member, Mohammed Almeala, texted me that in fact Deshaun was in one of our AKA After School programs about 5 years ago. I quickly remembered Deshaun and that class.

Shown below with Deshaun and friends at Lucy Laney Elementary in Minneapolis, are Coaches Mo, India and Austin and their big hearts and willingness to be with these bright kids for weeks of the AKA After School program. Their hearts as coaches and quality role models were so big that in fact, they gave up personal hours to go watch these kid’s basketball games on the weekends.

A younger Deshaun, lower left, with friends and role models in the AKA After School Program at Lucy Laney Elementary (Feb. 2017)

A younger Deshaun, lower left, with friends and role models in the AKA After School Program at Lucy Laney Elementary (Feb. 2017)

Yes, AKA plays an important role in being a part of these kid’s lives. But there is something so much larger at play right now. We can all do better at helping fix this senseless violence. There simply has to be a better way.

I’m going to leave this as is right now. Still processing. Still praying.

Rest in Peace, Deshaun. My Heart goes out to you.

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

I marked this date on the calendar a year ago in an effort to reflect on overcoming some personal dark times and open up a discussion on what I’ve seen since. 

Over the last 4 years, I’ve witnessed, personally, a spike in depression and anxiety case in employees and friends going through severe dark times.  And these are some incredible, kind, quality people! 

Most alarmingly, the data show that the mental health of our youth is getting worse, not better. Major depression in youth has increased 4.35 percent over the last 6 years - meaning over 2 million youth have severe depression. Shockingly, almost 60 percent of youth with major depression do not receive any mental health treatment.
— Mental Health of America, 2020
mental health covid - citizen times.jpg

And then came COVID-19 pandemic! (**Not to mention the death of George Floyd on Memorial Day, the protests and unrestful division to follow OR the fact that we are heading into the most tumultuous general election of most of our life times!)

Listen, I’m going to keep this short and not pretend I know the statistics or solutions are. (Check out Mental Health America and content)

It’s all so intense. Plain and simple, yes, we are in a mental health crisis.

Just please be kind to everyone and in our line of #AKAWay ops… let’s keep the kids safe, innocent and ACTIVE!

Love you all, CS

#exerciseendorphins #staytruetonumber1(selfcare) #meditation #unplug

Launching into 2020 the AKA Way!

AKASPORT 2020 Expanded Program Plan at the National Sports Center in Blaine, MN

Over the past 15-plus years, Active Kids Association of Sport (AKASPORT) has developed a positive programming relationship with the National Sports Center (NSC) by way of the AKA All Sports Camp, operated mainly at the NSC’s Super Rink. 

As we head into our next 15-plus years, AKASPORT is excited to announce new programming plans to expand our reach on the NSC’s campus, as soon as January 2020.  Our mission has forever been to provide sports, fitness programs and healthy initiatives for kids, families and communities throughout the Twin Cities and beyond.

Make no doubt about it, we will continue to build our relationships with facilities, communities and schools throughout the Twin Cities. At this time, we are working harder than even to expand our catalog, provide more opportunities throughout the year for active families and further our relationship with our number one partner, the National Sports Center.

Without further ado, we present: 


at the NSC Expo Center
(see below for details)


at the National Sports Center
(see below for details)



Extension at the NSC Expo Center - Grades K-3!
(see below for details)

AKA SPARK at the National Sports Center
Grades Kindergarten - 8th Grade @ the NSC Expo Center 
January 2 – June 5 (98 days of school) – 6:30-9:00am

  • $13 per day plus $20 Annual Registration fee per child

  • Pick the same days of the week for every week

  • 3, 4 or 5 day per week packages available

***(Phase 1 - Spring Lake Park School District ONLY - January – May)
***(Phase 2 - All area Public School Districts starting Fall of 2020)


  • 6:30-9:00am - Opportunity for kids to start their day right!

  • Tables available for easy breakfast, lite reading/homework!

  • Full Expo Center (Gymnasium/Field House) for AM exercise, games & Free Play!

  • Safe, quick, easy access drop-off and STAFF WILL SEE THE KIDS ONTO THEIR BUSES EACH DAY!

Click here for more information and to Register

AKA HOLIDAY BREAK DAYS at the National Sports Center
Grades K-7 @ the NSC Expo Center 
8:00am - 5:00pm
$240/6 days or $47.50/day
Christmas/New Year Break (6 dates) - Monday Dec. 23, Friday Dec. 27, Monday December 30, Tuesday December 31, Thursday January 2, Friday January 3

Out of School Days in January & February - Monday January 20, Thursday February 13, Friday February 14, Monday February 17

***More to come for Spring Break at a rate To Be Determined 

Click here for more information and to Register

Extension of the AKA All Sports Camp at the National Sports Center
Grades K-3 @ the NSC EXPO Center

June 8 – September 4 (13 weeks (65 days) available – 7:00am-6:00pm
Full Summer Rate (10 week package) - $2,200 (add on weeks available)

Individual Weeks ($225-$240/week, depending on the week)

Full Weeks of Sports, Games, Fitness, Field Trips & Friends – for over 15 years, the AKA All Sports Camp provides a full summer devoting a new sport to each week. 
Keep kids well rounded, active and having fun with a variety of life!


  • Proper Development - This will create more of an age appropriate sports and fitness experience for all kids!

  • Age Appropriate - With the extension, families will have the ability to get their active kids in a year earlier, similar to our other AKA ASC locations as we allow for those going into Kindergarten ready for full day active programming!

  • Access - Access to more facilities, fields and playgrounds! Utilizing the world’s largest sports amateur sports facility, the National Sports Center!

Click here for more information and to Register


We are excited to take on these new projects and to serve my active families! Message us with questions,

Como Fun August 2016.jpg

Participation. Period.

AKASPORT Summer 2019

AKASPORT Summer 2019

I know, I know…… it’s been a while.
We’ve been away building…
for a better tomorrow.

AKA Summer 2019 was incredible. Its never easy to put into words but we grew and we learned a ton. Well at least I did. Side from a short few, I think we covered most sports and MN field trip destinations. AKASPORT’s programming and vision, philosophically and geographically speaking, are expanding. Our numbers are up but of course, the quality can always be improved. Again, we’re building here. To me the most important thing is that we keep kids Active, Safe and Having Fun! Keep Participation going Up!

…..Now back to the lab to Keep it all Moving!

There’s a lot of talk these days about participation rates in segments of youth sports dropping. Club sports costs are skyrocketing, kids are specializing more, access to quality active programming, coaching and mentorship is showing limits and the pressures of life are affecting our kids in more ways than society can understand!

As the Aspen Institute (Project Play) clearly puts it, “The number of kids playing sports keeps decreasing, especially lower-income youth. Only 37 percent of all kids ages 6-12 played team sports on a regular basis in 2017 – down from 45 percent in 2008. This is a public health concern as physical activity declines for youth.”

I like to think that I am a visionary. I look at everything (for better and for worse). Side from my emotional attachment to climate change and violence/bullying in schools, concerns which I don’t have the direct answers to fixing, I do have great concern and think big picture for the absolute need to increase youth sports, recreation and FITNESS participation for our Future! The research is out there (@ckbergland (thanks Chris)), now we (I) just need to act further on making it happen.

15 years into AKASPORT, providing sports camps and afterschool programs, I know we’ve got a few ideas that work. Now its time to act further and take this all to greater scale. (plug for my new Hero, @GretaThunberg and all her young, stoic, work with Climate Change for the Future!)

NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT… YOUTH SPORTS PARTICIPATION NEEDS ATTENTION!! Stay tuned for now… thanks for your support and to all our Staff and Families for an amazing summer!

I’ll be back soon. Reach me anytime, email

All the Best in Sport, CS


Year-Round Sports... "Our priorities are out of whack"

#YouthSports   #FamilyFirst   #ChangingtheGameProject   #AKAWay

So eloquently put, I couldn't say it any better with a chagrined smirk.  "Our priorities are out of whack", said local reputable hockey coach Bill Lechner, head boys hockey coach at Hill-Murray High School.  Good call Coach.

If you read the Star Tribune this past Sunday or you follow anything sports related in Minnesota news or social media, there's the strong possibility that you saw Joe Christensen's article in Sunday's paper, Part I : Game On and On : Year-Round sports push kids to the limit. 

Part I : Game on and on
Year-round sports push kids to limit by Joe Christensen, Star Tribune
Families are pouring in more time and money — and more athletes are burning out

This one is not so much about the safety or health repercussions of sport specialization, rather the emotional and financial burdens of the topic. 

“You see families that can’t afford to buy groceries, but they’ll somehow find a way to get a thousand-dollar pair of skates and get to New York,” Lechner said. “It scares me; our priorities are out of whack.”

In youth sports, these are the stories necessary to forward on to the masses for their outcry of change needed before its too late.  Read it if you have a chance.  Here are the reminders and nuggets that stuck out to me from the article.

  • By age 12, (softball) (for article subject, Kali) turned into a "chore"
  • Devouring (kids & families) free time
  • Youth Sports is now an estimated $15 Billion a year industry (*and if you didn't see HBO's recent Real Sports Special : Youth Sports Inc., see below)
  • 2% (!!) of High School athletes get some form of college scholarship
  • Specialized athletes are 50% more likely to suffer lower body injuries (okay so they do sneak in some physical / health repercussion statistics)

The business of youth sports tourism is booming these days, fueled by investors who are building huge state of the art playing complexes, and parents who are willing to spend heavily on travel teams in hopes their kids can fulfill their athletic dreams. Catch Real Sports anytime on HBO OnDemand, HBO GO & HBO NOW.

If I may come clean...  I never want to disrupt the excitement of sports participation for a kid and his family of following a dream, much less disrupt their path to enjoyment whether that be playing hockey or basketball or... fishing, all year round.  I coach year round soccer players.  I see it first hand and I get it.  And as my parents did for me, parents you love and support your kids with everything that excites their heart.  Listen if you have the means to support your kids, you do it.  But........ 

...... It feels as though we have completely forgotten how to show our kids, to get our kids and to support our kids how to play, how to train, how to have fun playing sports on their own with friends and neighborhood buddies without spending the 10s of thousands of dollars and countless hours of pressurized training to get there.  How difficult is it to bring back "backyard games" or the "go get on your bike and meet up at the park or the courts with your buddies.  Is it possible?  Have we gone to the point of no return?!  "I don't know how you're going to reverse it", says Totino Grace activities director Mike Smith. Mike's right, what's it going to take?

My folks got taken by a college recruiting service when I was a senior in HS but fortunately that was for no more than $1,000.  They didn't know better.  They wanted to support my passion.  They also put me in off-season tennis and round the year soccer but that was a fraction of what these clubs make you pay today not too mention was an absolute blast without all the pressure. 

But how can you fault those parents who want to support their kids advancing in their passion.  You can't.  Just be smart about it.  Sports are so insanely glamorized its ridiculous.  I should know, I'm an everyday customer.  And with television advertising and social media so stuck to kids and aspiring athlete's eyes every minute of the day, why wouldn't we be drawn into wanting the bigger, faster, stronger, BETTER formula within year-round training to get to the top.

'95 Neenah Soccer State Bound...  No pressure, just a blast!

'95 Neenah Soccer State Bound...  No pressure, just a blast!

Again, I never want to tell you what you are doing is wrong as a parent supporting your kids in youth sports.  Most of you have been a part of sports for as just as long as I have and frankly, who am I to say I am right.  But I ask that you take the time to talk to your kids. Know what's out there and who and why you are paying for it. And do your research!  Talk to your trusted coaches and get the truth!  Is my kid college ball material??  Play with them as much as you can when they are young and take the time to talk to them about what they like and don't like and where they want to go with sports.  Be honest, have compassion, but above all, truly hear your kids out and support them with their interests.  There are a lot of sports clubs and training groups out there that see this only for the money.  So watch out! 

More literature is on the way.  Let's stay tuned and educated and rework our priorities within the household. Thanks Joe.  Really looking forward to more of these stories. 

***See also...

2016 AKA Summer Wrap

What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us.  And when we bring what is within, out in to the world...Miracles Happen!


2016 AKA All Sports Camp - Unforgettable! 
(be sure to see the AKA Summer video at the bottom)

We had an incredible summer.  We really did.  For me, personally, what comes to mind is the pace at which AKA programs move, how quickly the summers go and how much these kids are able to play and grow. 

As I've said before, AKA is not for everyone (though I wish it were) so I will not stop until I can provide it in a comfortable setting for everyone.  I believe sport is and forever will be the perfect vehicle to promote active lifestyles, provide life long memories and to teach so many of life's important lessons.

AKA summers are intense in pace and jam packed with activity for all who take part. Through the countless hours of instruction, games and making new friends, my goal remains to keep everyone safe, everyone active and above all everyone having fun!  (did I mention the video below?!)


Throughout the 2016 AKA summer, many mastered the cartwheel, many broke wooden boards, we all conquered the upper deck of Target Field and we made countless friendships with kids and staff.  We all took part in the Summer Olympics, 14 theme sports and countless games and exercises.  The daily amount of physical activity averaged over 8.75 hours for a total of 337 participants!

I cannot thank our partners enough...from Healthy Bites with our meals to our field trip vendors, our outside sports instructors to our sponsors.  We could not do this without you.  And of course, thank you Parents and Staff... your enthusiasm and mentorship for these kids is everything! 

As the 2017 AKA All Sports registration period is just around the corner (November 1 for Holiday Early Birds), I am excited to say that we will be adding more AKA locations.  There is an enormous vision for AKASPORT through All Sports Camps, After School programs, community offerings and charitable work.  A lot of work ahead...but in the meantime, again, thank you all for taking part in AKASPORT programs.  All the best, CS

Mid Summer Review & Upcoming AKA Events!

We are off to a great start this year at the All Sport Camp- already half way through! AKA keeps kids active every day, but we want the whole family to get out, be active and enjoy life! That's why we are adding more events just for our AKA families- here are some you won't want to miss! 

Friday, 7/29- Parent's Night Out!

Summer can be crazy and while we love family time, sometimes mom and dad just need a night off. We are hosting a Parent's Night Out on 7/29 so you can bring your AKA kids (and their friends) to hang out at NSC for a movie on the projection screen (HUGE!), pizza, games and a night of fun. 

We understand this could be a long day for the kids that are already attending camp so this won't be as active as our camp hours. Just a night for kids to be kids in a safe place. 

  • Event held at National Sports Center- Rinks 7/8 from 6-10pm
  • Drop off and pick up any time during the evening; Pizza will arrive at 7pm!
  • $30 per child or $25 when you register two or more (sibling or bring a friend!) 
  • Limited to kids age (going into) 1st grade through 9th grade

Register Here! 

Thursday, 8/4- AKA Night at the Velodrome!


Parent's at our NSC site drive past it all the time- the Velodrome. Many of the kids (and parents!) may not even know what it is so we want to introduce you to this exciting sport of Velodrome Bike Racing! These track bikes have one gear and no breaks- the perfect combination for extreme speeds and crashes.

Join us for Thursday Night Lights to watch the fast paced excitement. There will be several racing groups and interactive games with a chance to win prizes from Velodrome sponsors! There is a concession stand so you can make a night of it with your AKA friends. All ages are welcome- bring the whole family! Races begin at 7pm!

Learn more about the Velodrome and this amazing sport at

Let us know you are coming on our Facebook Event page

Wednesday, 8/17- Community Appreciation Event!

It's that time of year again! Join us for the 5th Annual Community Appreciation Event at the National Sports Center! Come out for dinner provided by Healthy Bites, enjoy music from the great DJ Deanomite, compete in games against your kids & coaches, and more! 

This event means so much to the AKA staff and campers. Its our chance to say Thank You for a great summer, give parents a chance to have some fun with us and help transition the kids back to the school year.

We want our families to have some fun being active together so everything at this event is provided free of charge with exception to our Fundraising Dunk Tank and Basketball Free Throw Competition. AKASPORT still operates as a nonprofit organization so these extra funds allow us to further our mission of Keeping Kids Well Rounded Through Sports by bringing in additional sports and activities and improve upon our existing programs. 

The event will be held outdoors of Rink 7/8 at our NSC site and will run from 4-7pm. (Food will be available until 6pm). 

No need to register- just show up!

We couldn't do this without your support!

We hope you will join us for these events!



We're not stopping anytime soon!


You've all heard from us, now let's hear from YOU!  Established as a nonprofit organization for the people and communities of Minnesota, AKASPORT values everything you do actively!

Here is your chance - kids, families and partner organizations - to submit videos and editorial pieces that display active living.

Whether that be sports, recreation, fitness and health achievements.... let's go!  Submit to  Share away!

We hope you like the new look and flow website.  Keep the dreams alive and the bodies moving.  Keeping Kids and Families Active through Sport.  #theAKAway