Launching into 2020 the AKA Way!
AKASPORT 2020 Expanded Program Plan at the National Sports Center in Blaine, MN
Over the past 15-plus years, Active Kids Association of Sport (AKASPORT) has developed a positive programming relationship with the National Sports Center (NSC) by way of the AKA All Sports Camp, operated mainly at the NSC’s Super Rink.
As we head into our next 15-plus years, AKASPORT is excited to announce new programming plans to expand our reach on the NSC’s campus, as soon as January 2020. Our mission has forever been to provide sports, fitness programs and healthy initiatives for kids, families and communities throughout the Twin Cities and beyond.
Make no doubt about it, we will continue to build our relationships with facilities, communities and schools throughout the Twin Cities. At this time, we are working harder than even to expand our catalog, provide more opportunities throughout the year for active families and further our relationship with our number one partner, the National Sports Center.
Without further ado, we present:
Extension at the NSC Expo Center - Grades K-3!
(see below for details)
AKA SPARK at the National Sports Center
Grades Kindergarten - 8th Grade @ the NSC Expo Center
January 2 – June 5 (98 days of school) – 6:30-9:00am
$13 per day plus $20 Annual Registration fee per child
Pick the same days of the week for every week
3, 4 or 5 day per week packages available
***(Phase 1 - Spring Lake Park School District ONLY - January – May)
***(Phase 2 - All area Public School Districts starting Fall of 2020)
6:30-9:00am - Opportunity for kids to start their day right!
Tables available for easy breakfast, lite reading/homework!
Full Expo Center (Gymnasium/Field House) for AM exercise, games & Free Play!
Safe, quick, easy access drop-off and STAFF WILL SEE THE KIDS ONTO THEIR BUSES EACH DAY!
AKA HOLIDAY BREAK DAYS at the National Sports Center
Grades K-7 @ the NSC Expo Center
8:00am - 5:00pm
$240/6 days or $47.50/day
Christmas/New Year Break (6 dates) - Monday Dec. 23, Friday Dec. 27, Monday December 30, Tuesday December 31, Thursday January 2, Friday January 3
Out of School Days in January & February - Monday January 20, Thursday February 13, Friday February 14, Monday February 17
***More to come for Spring Break at a rate To Be Determined
Extension of the AKA All Sports Camp at the National Sports Center
Grades K-3 @ the NSC EXPO Center
June 8 – September 4 (13 weeks (65 days) available – 7:00am-6:00pm
Full Summer Rate (10 week package) - $2,200 (add on weeks available)
Individual Weeks ($225-$240/week, depending on the week)
Full Weeks of Sports, Games, Fitness, Field Trips & Friends – for over 15 years, the AKA All Sports Camp provides a full summer devoting a new sport to each week.
Keep kids well rounded, active and having fun with a variety of life!
Proper Development - This will create more of an age appropriate sports and fitness experience for all kids!
Age Appropriate - With the extension, families will have the ability to get their active kids in a year earlier, similar to our other AKA ASC locations as we allow for those going into Kindergarten ready for full day active programming!
Access - Access to more facilities, fields and playgrounds! Utilizing the world’s largest sports amateur sports facility, the National Sports Center!
We are excited to take on these new projects and to serve my active families! Message us with questions,