From Week 1, credit videographer Matt Gallagher, featuring all the amazing work that these staff do with kids!
EXERCISE KINDNESS - A slogan that has impacted me for over a year, I believed the time was right to share it. This summer was anticipated as our most significant season yet, with a new west metro facility, record-breaking numbers and exceptional leadership.
However, amidst our expansion, I made it a priority to emphasize that we must never forget our roots. Sports and Field Trip based camps through variety and compassion for one another is what we do best.
From Week 5, just prior to the USA Cup at the National Sports Center, just living the dream!
The past 3 summers following the pandemic are difficult to recollect, due to the rapid pace at which time seems to fly by. For me, there’s always a theme: 2020, We are One (unity), followed by Connection (across cultures through sport) in 2021, and Anti-Bullying & Keep Sports Fun in 2022. And now, here we are, halfway through 2023.
Coaches Stella and Audrie with the AKA NSC RINK Campers
The concept of Exercise Kindness is still in development. From my perspective, it serves as a slogan that encapsulates the two key principles we strive to cultivate within our AKA culture: physical exercise and social kindness. Through sport, we at AKASPORT aim to foster care and compassion among individuals.
I sincerely trust that you are all enjoying a splendid summer, and if you ever want to collaborate or converse, you know how to get hold of me.
Now stay cool, exercise kindness, and make the most of the latter half of your summer. All the very best, CS