Why Earth Day Means a Whole Lot to AKASPORT
And fitting with the theme, please consider purchasing the AKA reusable/recyclable bag. All net proceeds support the AKA Nutrition programs and….. the Earth! Thank you for your support, CS
“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”
NASA copyright, www.nasa.gov
So many times when I write on this blog page, or elsewhere in my ever present journals and ‘Keep Notes’, I’m reminded by others and I certainly myself to stay in my lane. You’re a sports guy, why are you talking about climate change, overpopulation, recycling, etc.?
There are over 8 billion people on this 4.5 billion year old planet. And whether you like it or not, climate change is real and will affect future generations in ways we cannot comprehend.
On to making this a theme… the Earth Day Longboard, 25 years old! (FB video link)
Spring sports and NBA/NHL/World Soccer playoffs are what many of us live for. It’s fantastic! But how about we give this Earth a little better recognition too this time of year. So today, despite the MN chill, I figure the least we can do is get outside, pick up some unsightly debri, and remind ourselves of this amazing planet to which we take for granted.
For whatever reasons, people think it's okay to throw their fast food garbage/beer cans out in the parking lot and toss a baby stroller off the interstate. I just don’t get it.
I see a lot of talking, but not a lot of action. Whether it be the cost of unnecessary waste or disregarded recycling, global warming, or pollution, there are plenty of earth-related causes to get behind. Reminder this is the only planet we’ve got, so let's do our best to do something when it comes to keeping it clean.
My trusted pickers, circa April 2021
That’s why I throw out my trash and sort my plastics, glass, and aluminum into the proper bins. Go one step further and we can round up a crew to clean up the local parks and city streets. Dive a little deeper still and we can encourage our kids to clean up after themselves and protect/create a better future.
With our Earth Day cleanup on the horizon (now Wednesday, April 26), I find myself reflecting on our place in keeping the world clean.
It’s a start, but as a youth sports company, it's important to set an example for our kids and to do better. Kids deserve the earth the way it's meant to be. We want the best for their future. My recommendations:
Take care of this earth like you would your own life. You only get one.
Take 30-60 minutes of your day or week, and head out to pick up the closest park or your neighborhood.
See how/where you can help when it comes to cleanup.
Be hyperconscious of recycling.
Keep in the loop when it comes to climate change, recycling, pollution news.
Always be thinking how you can do more.
It's easy to see this as an insurmountable hill to climb. It all starts with one person doing their part; leading by example, and showing the kids how it works and that we care!, and hopefully then, the dominos start to fall.
And as always, progress wins!! Thanks for stopping by, CS
Climate Change: https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/
Recycling: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/06/recycling-global-statistics-facts-plastic-paper/
Save the Children: https://www.savethechildren.org/us/what-we-do/emergency-response/climate-change