A Day in the Life... Kids take on Summer at AKA
#AKAWay #HealthyBites! #FieldTripsWallBallSportsandGames ....
what more could you ask for?!
We are cruising through the last week of June in our gargantuan 2017 AKA All Sports Camp Summer. All three Camp locations - Blaine, Centennial and Coon Rapids - were getting ready to head out on today's field trip which means the kids are all smiles and laughs today!
Truly never a dull moment... now let's hear what the kids have to say!
Simon, Austin & William telling it how it is...its all about free play time, nutrition and energy... #AKA CENTENNIAL! These guys have got it down. (Video coming soon).
This is Jack's 3rd summer at AKA Coon Rapids. Jack, tell us, what do you like about AKA. (Long deep thought out pause....) "Free Play and the Field Trips!" .....and I'm told the card games with the Staff!
Here we have some style. In between Aubrey, Maria and Jordan's dance routine, I was able to sit them down for a quick interview. (Video coming soon) AKA Centennial has been a hit so far as there are less kids than at the AKA Blaine location and the Coaches and Reading program seem to fit in well with all the sports and games activity. Thanks girls!
Logan and the girls with Coach JB...ready to board the buses to Target Field. JB, in her second year at AKA in Blaine, and her "Maddogs" group are ready to get to the Target Field batting cages and dugouts!
"We love the field trips!!"
Justin, Mike and Zachary have a lot of really smart things to share about AKA Coon Rapids and the #AKAWay.
Justin - "I really like all the sports and games... oh and wall ball!"
Mike - "Yeah, wall ball and all the variety of sports we play"
Zachary - "Oh yeah, and the lunches, yeah Healthy Bites, very nutritious and delicious. I love the food here".
Justin - "Yeah...I like all of the food...well almost all."
Well, the people have spoken... AKASPORT seems to have it all and LIFE IS GOOD!