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COVID-19 Protocol Summer 2020

7/27/20 Update: Please see our updated protocol that includes the most recent mask requirements HERE.

There is nothing more important to us, at Active Kids Association of Sport (AKASPORT), than you and your kids health and safety.  In keeping up to date and in uniform with all CDC, Department of Health, Department of Human Services and all guidelines set forth by the State of Minnesota, we are working to fulfill all health and safety practices and expectations.  Below you will find steps we are taking to ensure the health and well-being of your kids and our staff at camp this summer (updated as of 5/18).  We will continue to provide you with the most up to date guidelines and expectations for your kids summer programming in 2020.  Thank you, AKASPORT Staff

** To see color coded updates from our last announcement, click HERE **

AKASPORT Health and Safety Practices  (Updated as of 5/22)

Social Distancing

  • AKA will hold the majority of activities Outdoors whenever possible to reduce the likelihood of transfer of germs.

  • Implementing social distancing strategies for spaces and movement through the facilities. This could mean groups of 10 or fewer kids using designated spaces at any given time and staggering the times when kids travel throughout the facilities.

  • Groups will be assigned staff to remain as consistent as possible to limit staff/participant contact.

  • Locker rooms will be limited to 15 or fewer participants,storing belongings. No more than 5 participants will be allowed in the locker room at one time.

  • We will be following the outlined ratios for participants per field, court or rink during active play at each facility.

  • Staggered lunch times to allow for cleaning and increased distance. Participants will be spaced appropriately during lunch times by having a limited number of chairs available at each table as well as having participants eat lunch outdoors whenever possible using visual cues for proper spacing.

  • During time indoors for announcements, games, reading and general “down time”, visual cues such as plastic dots will be assigned and placed throughout the space to meet the 6 foot recommended spacing. Siblings will be allowed to sit together.

  • Buddy reading will not be allowed unless participants are siblings. Staff will appropriately enforce distancing during reading, resting and other activities. 

  • The drop-off and pick-up processes will be modified and communicated prior to camp to limit the volume of individuals entering the facilities.  Potential changes include AKA staff waiting curbside for arrival and pickup. Similar to what many schools currently implement.

    • Update 5/22: AKA will provide video of drop off and pick up procedure for families. 

      • Drop off: Parents are not required to come into the facility with their kids after the first week. AKA staff will be at the check in table to monitor symptoms and record attendance. Parents are welcome to accompany their kids into the facility, but we ask that they remain in the entrance and allow staff to accompany kids to their locker rooms and personal storage space.

      • Pick Up: Staff will greet parents or authorized pick up person outside of the entrance (curb-side) starting at 3:30pm. Staff will communicate via walkie for kids to gather items and come to doors for pick up. Parents will not need to sign children out, but may be asked to show ID until staff learns names and faces of parents. 

      • If arriving for pick up prior to 3:30 you may need to come in to alert staff that you are ready for pick up.

      • Parents are welcome to come into the facility for pick up, but we ask that you remain in the lobby near the check out table and allow staff to retrieve your children and their belongings.

  • Whenever possible, activities will be held outside and participants will be encouraged to spread out, while utilizing visual cues (such as cones or tape lines) to demonstrate physical spacing.

  • Staff and participants will be reminded that kids are not allowed to hug favorite coaches. If participants or staff are witnessed touching another person or another person's belongings, they will be asked to wash their hands.

  • Drinking fountains will be turned off or covered. Staff and participants will be limited to water bottle fill stations and personal water bottles for drinking.

  • Entrance and exit points will be limited to one direction and  labeled to limit the amount of close contact in high traffic situations and times.


  • Ensuring handwashing strategies include washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom and before & after eating.

  • Implementing a sanitizing station at the entrance and exit to each facility to ensure proper handwashing strategies upon arrival and departure.

  • Routinely cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and objects that are frequently touched.

  • Toys and equipment that cannot be cleaned and sanitized will not be used.

    • Update 5/22: Sports Equipment and Games materials:

        • Sports Equipment - all provided by AKA for daily activity, will be cleaned and sanitized regularly during and after use. This includes: Bats, Rackets, Sticks, Goals, Balls and other equipment.  

        • Personal Equipment - kids are welcome to bring their own equipment, to be labeled and not to be used by other individuals.  Staff will assist in cleaning and sanitizing personal equipment.

        • Games/Activities materials, such as pens, pencils, crayons, paper, building blocks, crafts, etc., provided by AKA, will be monitored, but not possible to wipe down. In order to participate in these activities; drawing, coloring, board games, card games, all Kids and Staff, will be required to wash their hands prior to and after use.

        • Personal Games/Activities materials, such as pens, pencils, crayons, building blocks, etc. will be encouraged to be brought, bagged and labeled with Kids names for personal use only.

  • Toys or equipment that come into contact with mouths or that are otherwise contaminated by body secretions or excretions will be set aside in a designated area until they are cleaned and disinfected.

  • Shared spaces such as lunch tables and locker rooms will be sanitized regularly throughout the day as spaces are used.

    • Doors and Entryways - Designated Staff will be assigned to Sanitizing (Spraying, Wiping down with disinfectant) every half hour or whenever necessary.

    • Lunch and Activity Tables - Designated Staff will be assigned to sanitizing tables 15 minutes prior to use and immediately when the table has been cleared from use. We will utilize a rotation of excess tables to ensure this time frame is suitable for all lunch and participant activities.

    • Locker Rooms and Personal Storing Spaces - Designated Staff will be assigned to supervising all campers in and out of locker rooms and storage spaces. We will be sanitizing locker rooms at least every hour throughout each day and during times of greater use (morning check-in, lunch/rest, afternoon check-out), Staff will sanitize every 15-30 minutes.

    • Bathroom - Designated Staff and Facility operators will sanitize bathrooms and entryways regularly during frequent using times and will be scheduled to sanitize every 30 minutes otherwise throughout the 11 hour Camp day (7am-6pm).


  • We are establishing a well-check screening process for parents to use at home prior to sending their child to camp that will be communicated weekly for the following camp week. This screening process will advise them to watch for the symptoms noted by the CDC and Department of Health including new or worsening cough, shortness of breath and fever. We will also ask that anyone exposed within the past 14 days to not attend programs. We will have signs posted upon entering our programs that list the symptoms to watch for as well as trained staff to watch for listed symptoms. Attendance at camp indicates there was no fever of 100.4 or higher or signs of illness displayed during the parental well-check.

  •  AKA will be having daily reviews of health protocols with participants during morning announcements. This will include reviewing safe social distancing, proper hand washing, reminders to avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, symptoms to watch for and what to do if you feel ill.

  • Considering regular health checks of children and staff, such as taking temperatures throughout the day. 

    • Update 5/22: AKA will be taking temperatures of all staff upon arrival each day and will take temperatures of each participant on the Monday of each week. 

      • If a participant is found to have a fever of 100.4 or higher with no additional symptoms, they will be sent home and will need to stay home until their fever has been below 100.4 for 24 hours.

      • If a participant is found to have a fever of 100.4 with additional COVID-19 symptoms (see below) they will be sent home and required to stay home until they have had no fever for at least 3 days AND improvement of other symptoms AND at least 10 days has passed since the first symptoms appeared. Siblings and household members are also required to stay home for 14 days as recommended by the MN Dept of Health.

      • Participants will only be allowed back into the program after the above timeframes have passed and they are checked upon arrival to have no fever OR following a negative test result after being clinically evaluated and following clinic directed protocol.

    • Based on recommendations from the CDC, symptoms staff and parents will be advised to watch for include:

        • New onset or worsening cough

        • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

        • Fever

        • Chills

        • Muscle pain

        • Sore throat

        • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sick children and staff will be required to stay home, specifically persons who have a fever of 100.4 F or above or other signs of illness will not be admitted to the facility. Anyone showing signs of illness will have their temperature checked.

  • Should staff or participants become sick while at camp, the individuals will be kept separate from well participants and staff until they can leave. There will be designated areas where these individuals can be isolated until their departure.

  • Staff will provide reminders to be careful not to touch eyes, nose, and mouth.

  • Sharing of personal items (such as cell-phones, clothing, water bottles, etc) will not be allowed.

  • Ensuring adequate supplies (e.g., soap, paper towels, hand sanitizer, tissue) are on hand to support healthy hygiene practices. 

  • Staff will wear face coverings when working with their designated groups Indoors when they are more likely to be in close proximity. We will have a consistent standard for Staff to remove their mask to speak softly and clearly to their groups, Indoors, at any given time. When Outdoors, the majority of the time, all coaches will have their mask with them but will not be expected to wear them unless necessary, in close proximity to Campers or fellow Staff.

  • Masks for participants are not recommended by the Department of Health as frequent touching and removing of masks by children can increase transfer of germs to other items or individuals. Due to these recommendations, AKA will not require participants to wear masks, but will instead adhere to the social distancing and other healthy hygiene guidelines we have included.

  • Staff serving meals will follow the MN Dept of Health’s Food Service Worker Safety Information of proper hand washing, wearing gloves and a mask and keeping a 6 foot distance from others.

  • When helping younger participants apply sunscreen, ensure staff will be washing hands and changing gloves between applications.

Sports / Games

  • Implementing non-contact sport options using the social distancing guidance that will support a 3-foot radius around each participant, resulting in a 6-foot total distance between any two participants.

  • Modifications of sports and games to limit/eliminate the need for contact.

  • Whenever possible, equipment will not be shared.  Equipment will be sanitized between groups.

  • Any Sport Specific weeks requiring Bus Transportation are being reassessed for alternative activities (see below for Golf, Ice Sports, Ninja/Gymnastics and Swimming Weeks)

Activities / Field Trip Alternatives

  • Traditional field trips have been cancelled per our announcement on April 17th.

  • Virtual field trips and partner appearances to our locations are being finalized. Nonessential visitors will be limited.

  • Sport Specific weeks originally requiring separate Bus Transportation to off-site locations will be reassessed and modified:

    • Golf Week - Golf instruction and games will take place on site at all locations.

    • Ice Sports Week - Ice Sports will be transitioned to Floor Hockey and Floor Activities unless Ice becomes available (NSC, Centennial)

    • Ninja/Gymnastics Week - Instruction and activities will take place on site.

    • Swimming Week - Aquatic activities and games will take place on site. (waiting on Centennial High School for Centennial All Sports Camp Swimming Week)

  • We will notify parents of our consideration if restrictions and guidelines loosen and AKASPORT decides it is adequate to arrange an off-site Field Trip in 2020, July 13 or later.